How It Works
The Process is simple...
Although The Hemphill Firm, P.C. provides services on a billable hourly basis, most representation is provided to clients on a contingency fee basis. This means that no attorney fee is due and payable by the client unless there is a recovery of monies on the client's behalf. The amount due by the client varies from case-to-case, but is in accordance with amounts charged by other attorneys locally.
Typically, the attorney-client relationship is formed at the time of an initial consultation, unless further research or investigation is involved in determining whether a case is viable. The Hemphill Firm, P.C. offers free consultations in personal injury and insurance bad faith cases and charges a reduced fee to employees in connection with initial employment consultations. Immediately following the initial meeting between The Hemphill Firm, P.C. and the client, the parties will enter into a written fee agreement outlining precisely how attorney's fees will be calculated and when they will be paid. Such agreements will also contain a provision for the payment of all costs. By law, clients are responsible for costs. The Hemphill Firm, P.C. may, on a case-by-case basis, agree to advance certain costs, meaning that reimbursement of costs will occur at the time of any settlement, judgment or verdict.
Not all cases will require that a lawsuit actually be filed. In many instances, the firm and the client will agree to attempt to resolve the client's claim by approaching the opposing party or insurance company with a settlement demand. The Hemphill Firm, P.C. has significant experience in negotiating settlements without the necessity of filing a lawsuit. Settlement negotiations may include an agreement to participate in mediation. Mediation is a voluntary meeting between the parties in which a private attorney, a sitting Judge or a retired Judge is hired to help the parties reach a binding agreement. Even in those instances where lawsuits have been filed, most courts will require that the parties attempt to resolve their case by mediation before they can proceed to a flown-blown trial.
During the course of the more than 35 years that Ms. Hemphill has practiced law she and her firm have represented hundreds of clients in settlement negotiations, in mediations and in lawsuits. As a consequence, she has considerable skill in helping clients to choose mediators and to find expert witnesses, to maximize the client's recovery.